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Writer's pictureKim Seheult, Ed.D.

Blame COVID!

They say confession is good for the soul. My soul could use some here goes.

I've started to notice a trend in my thinking. It is a little worrisome. Slightly unhealthy. In fact, it might be (is) a significant detour from the current definition of "adulting". Yep. Definitely a problem, that may lead to more, larger problems down the road if I don't get it under control!

I know you're curious.

You think you know what it might be?

Okay. I'll spill.

I blame COVID!

Yep. That's it.

I blame COVID...for everything!

I'm serious.

(stop laughing!!!)

Need an example? Here are several:

I'm having trouble getting enough sleep.


I have not been working out like I should.


I have an unreasonable desire to drink coffee at all hours.


My temper is shorter than it should be.


I haven't blog kept up on my blogging.


Let me clarify. I have NOT had COVID. Somehow, my entire household has been saved through this pandemic (thus far) and I am grateful, as I know many families who were not so lucky, and some who experienced unimaginable grief as a result. My prayers continue for those families. Pain from such loss does not go away quickly.

But, no, my habit of blaming COVID isn't actually aimed at this virus itself, the way it impacts the body systems or the lasting side effects. No, I blame COVID due to the way it upended our way of life for so long.

I blame COVID for ruining my well established habit of getting up early to workout before starting the day.

I blame COVID for ruining my kids bedtime routines, because it doesn't take long to get to school when you log in at the kitchen table!

I blame COVID for killing my newly established coffee limit (Started with a New Year's Resolution January 2020 and ended abruptly on March 13th!).

Really, when I think about it, I can blame COVID for pretty much anything that is not working well for me right now! Really! It IS possible!

Weight gain? COVID (too many zooms)

Breakout? COVID (masks)

Need glasses? COVID (too much screen time)

See? It is totally possible.

(I really hope I'm not the only one with this issue!).

This week, though, I started to think that maybe this blame game is getting a little tired. It might be time to start "adulting" again. To start making choices that are good for me, not good for now. To live "my best life". To begin. Again.

So as we move into this summer, I am also moving towards renewal, a fresh start, and establishing some habits that are good for me. Maybe they will look a lot like the habits that I had prior to this global pandemic. Maybe they won't.

It is possible that the forced retreat we've experienced together may result in some habits that I should have had years ago, but didn't think were possible. Habits like a sit-down dinner with family every night, and better lines of communication with my kids. These are habits that I don't even have to work too hard on, as they got a serious footing in my life the last 12 months (ahem...blame covid).

Perhaps one of the new habits may be more of a habit (or rule) of mind. I might start with this one: Only blame COVID for the positive things that came from lockdown. and take responsibility to change the negative habits I have allowed to take hold.

It might take some time, but that one seems like it might be good to invest in.

I think I'll start with that one.


(All this reflection makes me want another cup of coffee!

Can't change it all at once, right?)

Happy Adulting this week!


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