A teacher at our site said it best a few weeks ago.
"I don't know what I don't know"
She didn't know...
What questions to ask,
What content to plan for,
What zoom to set up,
What screen cast to ready,
What assessments should be,
How platforms would function,
if Kami was paid for
or some days what day of the week it was! (I'm still waking up on a Tuesday and asking myself, "Is it Friday?")
We are in this space of unknown, just struggling to find a better way:
- to take attendance
- to help students access content
- to engage
- to assess
- to find balance!
It is so easy, in the middle of our stress, to forget who is on the other end of the zoom meeting, the google classroom, the assignment, the form. Here are a few stories from last week, to help you remember who you serve:
- A mom reached out this week to let us know that her son was out of school for two days to attend to his brother's funeral and burial. The brother's death was an overdose.
- Another mom let us know that some students in our classes are hesitant to turn on their cameras and microphones during zoom because they:
have only a mattress in their bedroom where they work
have so many people in the home in the same area
are worried about a family member embarrassing them
live in a home that is not clean and orderly
have parents that fight loudly
and so many other reasons.
- Two sets of parents reached out to let us know their children have Covid-19 and are unable to do schoolwork due to the severity of symptoms.
- A teacher had a student and adult in the home get into a physical altercation during the class zoom session!
Our students are struggling too. Students are not living the easy life right now. They are not enjoying a lazy day, avoiding work, planning out their next vacation or party. They are not hoping that this pandemic goes on forever!
Our students are struggling, too. They are trying to get through each day...
- hoping to survive,
- hoping to be successful,
- hoping to be noticed,
- hoping to be loved!
Plan some time into your week to make sure your students feel noticed, seen and valued.
Give grace.
Keep kids first.
Let your "new" thing this week be finding a way to show that you value your students.