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Writer's pictureKim Seheult, Ed.D.

Well Done or Overcooked?

Well done.

The first time my meat-eating husband ordered a steak, these were the words he used. And, as a studious person, with a fear of excessive red ink showing up on my papers, I like the way that sounded. "Well done" was equal to attention to detail, the highest quality and superior effort appropriately directed. The best job possible.

Then I met Nick. He was my soon to be cousin-in-law. A lawyer to be. An outspoken advocate of many things. A friend. When we went out to eat, the words "well done" were met with some questions. Why would someone want a steak after it had endured THAT much heat? After all the best parts had been cooked away. After all the flavorful juices were destroyed. Why??? No, rare was better or medium rare if you must!

The debate over well done or not continued whenever steak was on the menu. Yet, despite his best efforts, my husband continues to order his meat "well done". It was not for lack of great arguments however!

This week, I thought about the amazing job each of you has done this year.

  • The effort you have put in to make students feel welcome and a part of something special.

  • The extra patience and perseverance needed to deal with students who have become used to using Brainly rather than learning.

  • The hours of your time used to give feedback and encouragement to ensure growth

You have done so much. You have done it so well.

I just wanted to say:

Well Done!

Of course I mean it in the best way. The "less red ink on the page" way. The "congratulations on a job done with superior effort and outcomes" kind of way.

Yet, what came to mind was a steak. I think it is important to acknowledge what is true for a well-done slice of meat might also be true for us.

When steak is well done, there has been much heat added. And the heat was applied over an extended period of time, to allow the core to become quite hot as well. Isn't that also what happens with us? The stresses continue, over an entire school year and there is no way to avoid them. They get right to our core. Keep us from sleeping. Wake us in the middle of the night. Interrupt us an inopportune times.

And if Nick is right, all that extra heat steals some of the flavor out of life in the process of getting to the point of "well-done".

My husband now grills his own steaks and it is an art. There are times when the steak comes out perfect (by his standards), continuing to be juicy while being cooked through. However, there are times when the flame is too high, the heat is on too long and the meat gets overdone, out of juice and a little tough.

I know that many of us are feeling a little overdone about now. We've had some long weeks. Put on some amazing events for students that are "extra heat" for us. Reminded, cajoled, encouraged, and reminded students again about how to finish strong. Put our whole hearts in for the success of our school.

I hope that you have found a way to keep from becoming overdone, hardened, burnt by the excess. I hope the light at the end of this week has allowed you to stay strong, keep your sense of humor, and find joy despite the heat.

I want to encourage you. From my perspective, I see an incredible group of educators and supporters that have done an amazing job this year. No regrets. No 'if only". No "too much".


Well done.


P.S. I hope this summer provides time and respite, a cooling off period, before the heat is on again! :)

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